Thursday, July 14, 2011

Long week!  And the crazy thing is how hard it's been to find myself centered in of those self-doubt, questioning, not sure about life kinda weeks.  Yep, spent a lot of time sitting in the Old Testament scriptures which is always nice.  Liked the lostness of so many of the people.  I spent time staring into nature watching the colors, the birds chase the squirrels and the sinlight dance across the morning.   Enjoyed watching the world wander past.

Sometimes it's difficult to filter out the noise/chaos/chatter/busy-ness of life and hear God's voice and feel God's hand lifting me up from the dirt I feel like I'm in.  I get in the fears, my doubts, my!  I...LOL....even this blog becomes about me.  But that happens in life...we stumble in the humanness of our me-ness.

To be able to let go of the me and center on the Holy...that's the goal!  Just thought I could share the reminder.

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