No, I don't usually post twice in one day, but I never thought God's fingeres would shave my life like this. Today after blogging the phone rang. It was someone from my congregation...her mom was in the hospital and it didn't look good. To say I was on my way was an understatement.
Now, let me explain. Mary, the woman in the hospital, turned 99 in January and I was already planning her 100th. She's precious to me. She had been in the hospital years ago and I had the honor of praying for her, but when I said Amen she picked up and prayed for me. Here I was on my knees before this woman sick in the hospital and she prayed for me. It began a relationship I will always cherish.
Last night Mary was fine. Not up to her perky self, but good enough to go out to dinner and stay up waiting on her daughter to come home. She was good. But during the night her body took a turn and by this afternoon she was gone. I was blessed to pray over her with her family and honored to be there when she passed. It was an honor.
On the way home we stopped as we watched young people walking in honor of fallen friend...tazed by policed a few weeks ago.
Life ends quickly. Life changes in a moment. God's fingers are ever moving and weaving the fabric of life in patterns unexplainable. I didn't expect to to meet God so intimately today nor be reminded of how life is often a shave rather than a molding.
For Mary Young I give praise...for Everette Howard I give praise...for those who grieve, may they know God's healing strength...for those who grow from their lives may our witness be Christlike in our living.
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