My apologies for starting so late today...but I worked late today and then had dinner and a little family time. But I also need to write something...for my own journey.
Today was amazing. See, I struggle with self confidence in a million little ways. Today I did a Memorial Service for a beautiful lady I've known for years. Her son is an adoptive parent to me from my days back in college and I love him dearly. So, having the honor of doing this service was really overwhelming and yet I am so grateful to do it for them. There's something amazing when our past reaches in and affirms and loves on the present. It's a special blessing of the future.
Michael and I are discussing Luke 5 with the paralytic who is lifted through the roof to find healing. I am arguing the text isn't about's about relationships. It takes the relationship between the paralytic and the people who carry him. It takes the widening of the circle to pass him over the crowd to the roof and let him down into the house. People had to work together, cooperate, move in rhythm, be in relationship for Jesus to be able to even point out/announce "You sins are forgiven" and then to heal him.
I believe sin is that which breaks our relationship with God and/or others. Sin is that crap that keeps us from loving each other, knowing each other, embracing each other. It really is that simple. To me, the crap that separates us from each other is the can be anger, jealousy, laziness, lies, too many things to name here. But it the power of forgiveness and relationship that goes beyond the sin to grace is amazing. (There's more to sin and forgiveness, and I'll get to that in a few weeks. The cross really is coming)
The most amazing things happen in our lives when relationships are given the opportunity to be real, true, forgiving and deep. We change...we become more....we become stronger and better people when in loving, kind, compassionate relationships that take us deeper.
Today I knew the depth of loving relationship from my past, my present and my future and I was changed by the depth of it. Without this relationship I would be so much less and my life less rich. On the way to the cross I am reminded of the power of relationship and the truth of living in relationship.
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