Sunday, October 23, 2011

This weekend Rev Shuttlesworth is being honored as he is laid to rest after a long and faithfilled life.  His voice was the spark that lit a magnificent fire!  On Friday I watched as Carl Lindner's body journeyed through town in farewell and people gathered to say goodbye and thank you.  This coming Saturday I will say goodbye to another man who touched my life in a very special way...he called me his pastor when I needed that affirmation most.

I had the honor of hearing Rev. Shuttlesworth speak and being stunned by him.  I met Mr Lindner and was blessed beyond measure by him.  My friend was friend.

These giant men were just that men.  They were skin and bone.  Shuttlesworth was threatened, bombed, beaten, and treated horrid for his faith.  Lindner was considered by many as a saint of the church for his faith.  My friend quietly affirmed my faith.  Each has touched me a special way.  Each man leaves a mark on my life and my ministry.

God is calling us to use our voices.  God is calling for people to speak wisdom with passion.  God is calling for generous people to be generous.  God is calling us to name who people are called to be.  God's voice is active...are we listening?  Or are we too busy thinking someone else will do it to answer God's call?

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