Friday, October 28, 2011 in a sense I miss the discipline of Lent...sounds funny, huh?  Well, during lent I was incredibly more dedicated to spend deliberate time every day with God.  Lately, I've gotten busy with life.  Looking at my postings lately I can see a trend of needing to pray!

Anyway, I turned everything off yesterday and opened the window and watched it rain from the silence of my house.  I felt the cold breeze on my face and the warmth of the blanket wrapped around me. I just was.  And when it was over I was refreshed.  I also realized how out of sync life is and how I haven't been centering in on God nearly as easily.

So, I scheduled a date with God!  Yep, I'm taking part of a day next week as my God time.  I know, retreats are popular and all of that, but life is busy so I'm making a date!  It's kinda like imitating Jesus going up on the mountain top ot pray...yeah, just like that I hope.

So, can you date God?  Yep, can you set a large amount of time aside to be in God's presence? 

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